Yu.Vin: The Reception and Transliteration of Concept and Terms of Byzantine Law: Cognitive Aspects of Systematization
Expert intreview of Yu.Vin: The Reception and Transliteration of Concept and Terms of Byzantine Law: Cognitive Aspects of Systematization
26 July 2019
The adoption of concepts and terms in Byzantine law is based on an overview about fundamental transformation of the system of Mediaeval Byzantine law. The borrowing of concepts and terms of Roman law in Byzantine law is to consider quite justifiably as their reception in full sense of this word. The task is represented as a necessity of exposure of full range of loan concepts and terms, its identification and systematization by modern information technologies. The Expert System «Byzantine Law and Acts» and the developed now Thesaurus on-line are to be technological resources, intended to fulfill this aim.
Key words: Byzantium, Byzantine Law, reception, concepts, terms, Expert System, Thesaurus